Frequently Asked Questions

How to add and use "Quick answers" at Nice Chat?
Last Updated 7 years ago

Let's review how to add "Quick answers":
  1. First of all, you need to sign in to your Nice Chat account or sign up before that - it takes 2 minutes. Also, you should have owner's right of the company at Nice Chat because only the person with such a rights can add quick answers, forms, and products.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Then to "Quick answers".
  4. Press the button "Add new answer".
  5. You will see the form for adding "Quick answer".

What to write?

There could be a lot of variants. Let's review the most common ones:
  1. Greetings and suggestion the help in selecting the product.
  2. How to sign up? (Hint: how to sign up on our site).
Add answers to the most popular questions of your business customers. This will greatly accelerate and simplify the operators' work.

How to use "Quick answers"?

  1. Start the conversation with the site visitor and in the bottom of the chat screen, click "Quick Answers".
  2. Choose the correct answer and click "Send" or Enter.
You have mastered the adding and management of "Quick Answers". Navigate to other Nice Chat settings.

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